Building an Email list that converts (Part 1)

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Howdy, folks! It’s your friendly neighborhood coach, Ted Lasso, here to talk to you about building a strong foundation before you start aiming for those conversion goals. You know, it’s a bit like soccer – before you kick that ball into the back of the net, you’ve got to make sure you’ve got your fundamentals down pat.

Section 1: Laying the Foundation

Now, let’s start by understanding your audience, and I mean REALLY understanding them. Just like I know every little quirk and habit of my players, you’ve got to know your audience’s interests, pain points, and preferences. Imagine if I didn’t know that Roy Kent needs a good cup of tea before a match, or that Sam Obisanya loves his mom’s home-cooked meals? It’s the same with your audience – knowing what makes ’em tick can make all the difference.

So, do your research! Talk to your audience, listen to them, and pay attention to what they’re saying. Find out what keeps ’em up at night, what gets ’em excited, and what they wish for. Just like how I sat down with Jamie Tartt to understand what motivates him beyond just the field.

But hold on, we’re not done yet! Just like in a game, where you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your team, you need to know what your audience is strong in and where they might need a little support. Remember, even the great Dani Rojas occasionally misses a penalty kick. It’s not about focusing on the weakness, but about helping them improve.

Once you’ve got all this info, it’s time to create your winning strategy. Just like I gather my coaching staff to brainstorm game plans, you can gather your team to come up with ways to reach those conversion goals. Tailor your approach to what you’ve learned about your audience – if they’re a bunch that loves witty banter, toss in some humor; if they’re all about efficiency, give ’em the straight facts.

And hey, don’t forget the importance of positivity. You see, when you create that winning strategy, make sure it’s something your audience can get behind. Just like how my team rallies behind the “believe” mantra, your audience should feel like they’re part of something bigger. It’s like when AFC Richmond pulled together against all odds – that’s the kind of spirit you want to foster.

Section 2: Crafting Irresistible Content

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my time coaching, it’s that communication is the key to bringing people together. So, let’s chat about crafting emails that are as inviting as a warm cup of tea on a rainy day.

Imagine we’re getting ready to step onto the pitch for the big game. You know, that feeling of unity and excitement? That’s the vibe we want in our emails – engaging and inspiring from the very start. Just like when I gather my team in the locker room, we need to hook our readers right from the subject line. It’s like calling out a play that’s sure to score us a goal!

Now, speaking of goals, our emails should be so irresistible that folks can’t help but open them – just like those delicious biscuits at the local pub. Imagine the anticipation of sinking your teeth into a buttery, warm biscuit. Well, that’s the same feeling we want our readers to have when they see our email in their inbox.

How do we achieve that? Well, it’s all about sharing valuable insights. Think of these insights as the tactical strategies we use to win games. People love to learn something new, so let’s give them a reason to open that email. Whether it’s a tip on achieving their goals or a fresh perspective on a trending topic, we’re setting ourselves up for success.

But you know what really brings a team together? Heartwarming stories. Just like I share tales of triumph and teamwork with my players, we can use stories to connect on a personal level. Share real-life experiences that show the human side of your content. It’s like telling a story of an underdog coming out on top – it captures hearts and creates lasting bonds.

And let’s not forget a dash of humor! Just like Nate does with his pre-game tactics, a well-timed joke or a playful anecdote can turn an ordinary email into something extraordinary. Laughter is a universal language, and it breaks down barriers faster than a forward charging down the field.

Section 3: The All-Important Sign-Up Process

Y’see, it’s a bit like recruiting players for your team – you want ’em excited and ready to jump in. So, let’s break it down step by step. First off, keep things simple, just like a good ol’ game plan. No need for fancy footwork or tricky offside traps here. Make sure that sign-up process is as smooth as butter on a hot biscuit. Ain’t nobody got time for confusion!

Now, picture this: you’re out on the field, and you want your teammates to know exactly where to pass the ball. Well, same goes for your email sign-up form. Put that thing right where folks can see it, like the ball on the penalty spot. Your website’s the pitch, and that sign-up form? It’s like the goal – you want it front and center.

But hold on, partner, don’t forget the fun part! Remember, a smile can work wonders, just like Keeley’s contagious energy. Sprinkle a bit of that positivity into your sign-up process. How ’bout a witty quote? Something that’ll make ’em chuckle, like a well-timed joke during halftime. Or even a GIF that brings a grin to their faces – just like a victory dance after a winning match!

And let me tell ya, there’s somethin’ magical about making people feel welcome. Treat ’em like part of the team from the get-go. Show ’em that you’re excited to have ’em on board, just like I’m excited to see a fresh-faced rookie join my squad.

Section 4: Personalisation – Cheers, Mate!

Gather ’round, because we’re about to dive into the world of personalisation, and let me tell you, it’s the secret sauce that can really make your content shine – just like that “Secret Weapon” play we’ve got up our sleeves. Now, you know, addressing your subscribers by their names is like calling out a player’s name when they score that winning goal – it makes ’em feel seen and appreciated. It’s like giving ’em a hearty pat on the back after a great game, letting ’em know you’re right there with ’em, cheering ’em on. Imagine walking into a stadium and hearing the crowd roar your name – it’s like that, but in the digital world.

And let’s not forget about tailoring your content to their preferences. Just like how we fine-tune our training sessions to match each player’s strengths and style, you want to do the same with your content. If someone’s a fan of funny anecdotes, serve ’em up some hilarious stories. If they’re more into in-depth analysis, well, dive deep and give ’em the goods. It’s like finding out what formation works best for your team – you want to know what formation works best for your audience too.

But it’s not just about guessing what they might like – no, no, no. It’s about using their interactions and behaviors as your playbook. Just like how Roy Keane’s well-timed tackles disrupt the opponent’s flow, sending relevant content based on your subscribers’ actions can disrupt their scroll and make ’em really engage. Did they click on an article about football tactics? Maybe it’s time to send ’em more strategy-focused pieces. Did they show interest in heartwarming player stories? Well, hit ’em up with more of those.

You see, personalisation isn’t just about algorithms and data – it’s about understanding your audience, just like I strive to understand my players. It’s about connecting on a personal level, creating a bond that goes beyond the screen. Remember, it’s not about being creepy; it’s about being caring. You’re showing your subscribers that you’re paying attention, that you’re invested in their interests, just like I’m invested in making my team the best they can be.

Section 5: The Power of Consistency

You know, in this wacky journey called life, I’ve come to realise that there’s one thing that never goes out of style – consistency. Yep, you heard it right, just like showing up for practice every day, it’s the key ingredient to success. Now, let’s talk about emails. A powerful way to connect with your buddies, fans, or customers – it’s like sending a little piece of your heart straight to their inboxes.

So, let’s dive in. Consistency – it’s a bit like planting a seed and giving it water every day. You see, setting a schedule for your emails is like making a promise to yourself and your subscribers. Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, pick a rhythm that’s just right. But here’s the thing – once you’ve set that rhythm, stick to it. Be as reliable as Higgins when he’s got biscuits on his mind – that man’s dedication to fetching treats is awe-inspiring!

Now, why is consistency so important? Well, picture this: you’re a soccer team, and you’re practicing only when you feel like it. What happens? Inconsistency, right? You can’t expect to win championships that way. The same goes for emails. When you show up regularly in your subscribers’ inboxes, you’re building a relationship. They start to look forward to hearing from you, just like how we eagerly wait for game day.

But here’s the kicker – don’t bite off more than you can chew. Just like on the field, you’ve got to pace yourself. Choose a schedule that’s sustainable for you. If you’re aiming for weekly emails, make sure you’ve got the content to back it up. And hey, if bi-weekly or even monthly fits your style better, go for it! The key is that your subscribers know what to expect and can count on you, just like Beard counting on me to deliver those one-liners.

Remember, it’s not about overwhelming your readers with a flood of emails. It’s about delivering value. Craft emails that are a mix of fun, informative, and maybe even a touch inspirational. Share stories, updates, and insights – make your emails a delightful part of your subscribers’ day, much like Roy Kent’s unexpected moments of tenderness.

In the grand scheme of things, my friends, consistency is like the North Star guiding you through the email galaxy. So, keep showing up, keep sending those messages, and keep making those connections. Whether you’re tackling a soccer ball or a keyboard, the principles remain the same – dedication, heart, and a dash of relentless positivity.

Chapter 1: Traditional Advertising Solutions

Traditional advertising refers to conventional methods of promoting products, services, or brands to a wide audience. These methods have been used for decades and involve using offline channels to reach potential customers. Some common forms of traditional advertising include:

Print Advertising

Print advertising involves using printed materials like newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, posters, and billboards to promote products or services. Print ads include visuals, headlines, persuasive copy, and a call to action. Advantages include tangibility, credibility, targeting, longevity, and fewer distractions compared to online ads.

Broadcast Advertising

Broadcast advertising reaches a broad audience through electronic media like television or radio. Commercials are the primary format and can deliver messages using visual and auditory elements. While it offers wide reach, it may lack precise targeting capabilities and is subject to regulations.

Outdoor Advertising

Outdoor advertising, or out-of-home (OOH) advertising, targets consumers outside their homes. It includes billboards, transit advertising, street furniture advertising, digital screens, mobile billboards, and guerrilla advertising.

Direct Mail

Direct mail involves sending physical promotional materials to a targeted audience through the mail. It includes steps like targeting, designing, printing, mailing, and follow-up to track campaign effectiveness.


Telemarketing involves reaching potential customers by phone for sales, lead generation, market research, or appointment setting. It has evolved alongside digital marketing and often integrates with online strategies.

Events and Sponsorships

Events and sponsorships involve hosting or supporting gatherings, conferences, sports activities, and more to promote a brand. Events can serve various purposes, including product promotion, brand awareness, networking, education, and fundraising.

Promotional Products

Promotional products are tangible items branded with a company’s logo or message. They’re distributed at events, trade shows, or as part of marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness and loyalty.

Chapter 2: Embracing Digital Advertising

Digital advertising promotes products or brands using digital channels and technologies. It offers advantages like precise targeting, cost control, and measurable results. Key components and formats of digital advertising include:

Display Advertising

Display ads appear on websites and social media platforms. They rely on visuals, offer various targeting options, and can use contextual and behavioral targeting for relevance.

Search Engine Advertising (SEM/PPC)

SEM involves promoting websites on search engines like Google through paid ads triggered by specific keywords. Advertisers bid for ad placement and pay per click (PPC).

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising leverages platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach and engage target audiences. It includes sponsored posts, display ads, video ads, carousel ads, and stories ads.

Video Advertising

Video ads are used on websites, social media, mobile apps, and streaming services. Types include pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, in-stream ads, and social media video ads.

Native Advertising

Native ads blend with platform content for a seamless user experience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to subscribers.

Influencer Marketing

Brands collaborate with influencers to promote products or services.

Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising automates ad buying and selling in real-time, using data for precise targeting.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM includes both paid search advertising (PPC) and organic search engine optimization (SEO) to increase website visibility.

Digital advertising is flexible and offers precise targeting, high engagement, measurable results, and various ad formats. It plays a significant role in modern marketing strategies.

Incorporate these strategies into your business advertising plan to effectively reach and engage your target audience, ultimately driving growth and success.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricate world of recording high-quality audio, diving deep into the technicalities, equipment, techniques, and best practices that will elevate your audio recordings to professional levels. Buckle up as we embark on a journey to master the art of pure sound.

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